Unfortunately we have seen a lot of aggressive behaviour from clients of late. This has been extremely hard on our staff and volunteers as well as other clients who have had to witness this behaviour. Whilst we understand people are under a lot of stress during these hard economic times, we at Caboolture Community Care would like to make it known that any aggressive behaviour, abuse or violence towards our Volunteers or Staff or other clients will not be tolerated and those who do so will be banned from our service.

Unfortunately we have seen a lot of aggressive behaviour from clients of late. This has been extremely hard on our staff and volunteers as well as other clients who have had to witness this behaviour.

Whilst we understand people are under a lot of stress during these hard economic times, we at Caboolture Community Care would like to make it known that any aggressive behaviour, abuse or violence towards our Volunteers or Staff or other clients will not be tolerated and those who do so will be banned from our service.

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